6 word story with the word “Change”

This is in response to Shweta on Saturday #6 WSP

Change your attitude not the attire.

Words and actions speak louder than voice isn’t it?? Did I show my indirect attitude in the above 6 words story?? May be 😉 but definitely not to address any of you my sweetest friends, just a 6 words story that beeped up my mind. Thanks for reading 😇

Change is an action 
Choice of direction
Life's turning often 
Never is a perfection
Nor even a conclusion
Can be God's salvation

Change your attitude
Not attractive attire
Show your gratitude
For moments of proud
Testify yourself to GOD
Positively move forward

Copyright ©️ Suma Reddy all rights reserved

My Garden of thoughts and feelings, sow a seed of good deed if you visiting. Thank you ✍❣

47 thoughts on “6 word story with the word “Change”

  1. Attitude has to be given its due of permanence, because only when they are stable they are strong.
    Strong attitude means better attributes.😊😊 You packed all this in six👌

    Liked by 4 people

    💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎
    💎 Vibrational Frequencies
    I Do Me
    YOU!!! Do YOU!!!
    Let Each Other Be 🤔 ?
    💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎
    … 💎💎💎…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. An effective take on change. Most believe in changing looks whereas what makes the difference is change of thoughts …change of attitude. The poem also so beautifully expresses your thoughts on the subject.
    A lovely combo of emotions, creativity and imagination.
    Stay blessed always Suma.


    1. Such a wonderful thoughts which have added true value with factful meaning to the prompt dear Krish, thank you very much for beautiful blessings 😇🙏🙏🙏


  4. Wowww!! Dear Suma, I loved all your poems..! You’re amazing..! I’m waiting to read more and more poems..! You’re an incredible poet..! And also o loved this piece dear..! Such a great take..! Fantastic..!🤗💖


      1. Wow!! You’re welcome dear..! It’s so amazing to hear from you..! You’re a sweetheart..! Loves to you my SWEETIE..! 🤗🤗💖


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