Content Vs Controversy

Very interesting topic of mine: content from my heart on controversial conversation of likes 👍 & dislikes 👎

These two words are very famous, familiar and are very important in each of our lives and will follow us wherever we go, isn’t it??

Only likes??? but in heart?? 😏😌😔🤨😒🙄😡😠🤐 much more 💯✌

What’s the purpose of likes & dislikes??

Is it of serving a purpose only to be liked? In case if you are getting only likes does it mean your purpose is served?? Never ever. Look at the mirror and try to change your expressions it does reflects exactly. So if you look at it as an actor or changing the presenter in you, what serves your purpose? like or dislike? Should be both because you must be liking for what you are good at and start working on the expressions that are odd or needed to be polished as cherry blossom. Isn’t it??

Though accepting dislikes isn’t so easy and we can’t digest it and it’s not that delight as like we all know, that’s the reason all these social medias are mostly preferred only like and heart buttons up especially Insta. Few other instant messengers are truly funfilled with innovative emotics and emojis. But on this pure writing platform, wp too really has great thought of only to keep like buttons and an amazing thing is though the comment section is free to drop the opinions we can see are only postive, supportive, motivated and constructive feedbacks are being provided by the readers. How beautiful and lovely to think about the decoram that the entire world is following. Is your opinion same? May be there are very rare situations that few individuals are against each other and have differences I noticed. Otherwise it’s truly appreciated to see the great and healthy networking on

Let me not divert from the main topic of writing content with our own choices whether being liked by all of our friends and community we follow each other. Vice versa, whether are we liking others all contents what they write. What kind of contents we are seeing or noticing normally??

To simplify there are tons of contents which belong to each author’s interest, hobby, feeling, lifes experience and knowledge sharing right? If we name few, the list is endless and vast still let’s see few of them by specific niche the blogger chooses.

  • Fitness
  • Cars
  • Bikes
  • Blogging
  • Flights
  • Beauty tips
  • Yoga
  • Mobile reviews
  • Spoken English
  • Food
  • Current events
  • Music
  • Games
  • Business
  • Travel
  • Movie
  • Designing
  • Craft making
  • Parenting
  • Technology
  • Books
  • Mom
  • Painting
  • Pets
  • Printing
  • Entertainment and many more…

Above list of niche is taken from the below blog link of my dear bro. Raj, thanks for such an incredible blog on what’s blogging and benefits out of it.

What is a Blog? – Clear Details about Blogs and Blogging.

Did anyone noticed that main controversial niche what I am writing is missing in the above list? Any guesses?? If you are guessing right, Yah! You are right and it’s about ‘Love‘, love poems, feelings and whatever. Is this topic excluded from blogging? Or any restrictions? Are the bloggers writing about their feelings are non compliant of WP? are there any set rules or policies that this platform has?? Many questions arise if anyone is against love writings or poems saying that they don’t like them and asking questions on what’s the purpose of writing them.

The value and power of the purpose of serving or feeling love is preciously divine and triggers the great strength to serve our main purpose of living life in intimate true love. “It has the power to wake your invisible strengths and at the same time to break all your strong serving goals from the sky to earth”. One must be conscious and confident to face and handle both situations to sustain in practical life. Hard times are common in every relationship but at least one heart should try hard to keep up the bonding to continue by understanding adjusting or mending the other heart. If it truly mean to be together definitely it will, if it still not? Both souls are free to choose their own ways flying or dying.

LOLz when the author of other niche is able to convert their writings into books why can’t the lovers of blogging on love niche? Liking and disliking is always free to choose and no one being forced, at the same time no one has right to oppose what me or the other person choose to wright. It’s every one’s right to voice out their own thoughts and feelings through their choosen pen of writings.

Writing feels good it heals the heart and influences someone by liking their like minded interests. Main and common purpose of writing is always sharing the knowledge what we are good at and not on what we being forced to be liked by other’s interests. We fail if we force our interests or thoughts to focus on someone else’s interest. Our heart will never accept to do that. Hope most of us would agree to it.

If one is seriously wanted to serve the purpose of choosen niche or blog to change the world with the powerful pen of writings, they must be looking into their own content with no comparison whether they write it from their heart or searching from the Google chart. I frame and knit my poems or articles just with the words which touches my heart and for the soul which triggers my thoughts to create lovely love or romantic Poems and I am dare to dedicate to that person frankly. If it’s making someone to dislike they are free to and I heartfully agree and accept ‘coz no one is forced here. If we are keeping comment section open for all, just be open for differences or interferences. If you can’t, just freeze that section and turn around to keep your sweets and secrets in your mail box so that no third person would comment on your favorite follower’s opinions. Here individual is free to void or spam the comments which they feel annoyed.

Before I conclude myself on this topic, it’s around 6:00 p.m IST on 05-27-2021. I am just sipping my coffee, eating my favorite fried pea nuts looking out of the window gazing at the sky & setting Sun and my thoughts are getting diverted to create a love Poem instead.

But I need to conclude this. An individual asked queries on my writing purpose of my love poems, till and until I answered it was cool and fine. When I returned questions back, it turned to be bitter and their non-tolarance to some other person’s writings was highlighted instead straight answer to my queries. This is for you if you are still following me or reading this post my dear friend. I am never hater of any opinion and I do like and love each of your writings. Just thoughts in my mind, you decided yourself to judge that person and their limit crossed writings just with your single like on their one post & another dislike of another post.

Did you ever tried thinking of getting into that person’s shoes and walk how hard his/her times of struggles in life? and what reasons triggered them to write and share to the world with guts?? You hate fantasy, you hate illusion I know you wanted to dig more and understand about what all these are but your choosen purpose of blogging is to creating the imaginary world. Don’t you think that your thoghts and writings are conflicting with devation of differences??

May be I am wrong, you may change the world ‘coz many are foolishly googling on the solutions for real life survival which gives no practical or no experienced answers. my purpose is truly not to bring changes in anyone’s life or to change the world but may be myself by learning from the world or the one person I am loving from somewhere corner of the world. I am just happy sharing my thoughts and feelings of my heart and I would never be able to create any content just by googling if no touched thoughts in my mind.


After all, if opinions are different I am open to discuss and never intend to unfollow anyone at any given point. Why did you suggested me to unfollow silently if your purpose of asking queries is correct?? I did answered your query very much crysp and clear. I hope you are still following me and would read this post and stay tuned to read my thoughts beyond my love poems. You might like some of the other. I always respect and support each person’s writings believing that they do the same. This never means I am opposing your opinions and personal feelings but thanking for being the reason to create this content. My gratitude for your support is always. Thank you! 😇🙏

My garden of thoughts and feelings sow a seed of good deed if you visit. Thank you, Suma.✍❣

Copyright ©️ Suma Reddy

130 thoughts on “Content Vs Controversy

  1. I will not add +s to this masterpiece post except the author is it possess huge writing talent and is an independent and critical thinker that should cause all of us to think constant, deep, and complete!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you very much Man, the Prince called Mr Van. Your priceless, precious comments are always the jewelz of my writings and my heart. You are the reason and a big motivation that I write huge from the content of my heart. Loves to you 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 💜 Personally I “like” stuff I “dislike”; it’s paradoxical I KNOW!!! but sometimes when I DisAgree with SomeThing I THINK!!! it NEEDS!!! Airing like Clothes on a Washing Line


    Liked by 4 people

    1. That’s an impressive one, I like the frankness being opened up and yes it’s always good to express what we feel where n when it’s needed. Thank you very much for putting your valuable thoughts 😇💖

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 💜 YOU!!! ARE Most Welcome; it’s a Pleasure to Share and Serve, Stay Strong and Serene


        Liked by 4 people

  3. You deserve ‘ special praise ‘ for the expression!
    Original, Genuine, Honest and Frank writer, should never think over Dislike! Any disagreement, expressed clearly, by anyone, is a Credit for the writer!
    “Filled with original Natural Feelings and Emotions” is my opinion for your posts!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Awwww!! I’m flattered by your words my friend! Shall we be a friends my dear friend? Sure, I will always visit your site.. most welcome. It’s all my pleasure!💖🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh! my friend, we are following each other and when you visited me with your priceless comment by valuing my written thoughts, yah of course you know we are already friends. Loads of thanks 😇💖

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Awwwwww! Really I’m flattered by your comments. I’m very happy we are friends. Hello my dear friend. Your words really means to the world for me. Most welcome! It’s all my pleasure my dear friend! 😊🤗💖

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, thanks for notifying me on this typo, sh/be ‘Pea nuts’. Btw your profound comment made my morning. Tons of thanks for sharing your thoughts my dear friend 😇❤🙏


      1. I love fried peanuts. LOL. Yes, love is my favorite topic. I mean a lot of times we talk about relationship, family etc., which is just another way of talking about love without directly talking about love. LOL.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Talking about love indirectly Talking about it, yes very true and on right point you are my friend. Yes it makes us and breaks us but we live in it and with it forever. Love for your lovely thoughts dear one ❤ 😇🙏


  4. I hope your follower understands what you say. Ignoring Suma’s brilliant writing would be a big loss to him, so definitely, he is not gonna unfollow you.

    Brilliant writing. I appreciate it, people should openly talk about the issues they have. 😜🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good to see you around Loku, I thought about my loss of loosing my genius supporter. So if he/she doesn’t unfollow, I am truly happy for retaining them to stay back and I was pretty much confident on them that they won’t do that. ‘Coz I didn’t do it as well.

      You know I am very conscious about maintaining 0% attrition 😉 Which is purely of people management skills. I have done it 2 consistent years in my professional career as well as a Lead, 40 folks whom I was handling were never left my team.
      Thank you very much for visiting and dropping your observations on my post dear friend 😇🙏

      Liked by 2 people

      1. If you write more posts about your people management skills, it’ll be beneficial for me and other readers as well.

        Wish to see you happy – the only purpose. 😊

        Liked by 2 people

  5. True…writing is all about expressing the true feelings without holding the worry of being liked or not. After all likes we get do not truly reflect the depth of the content . There are many of us who get overtly possessed with likes… what matters are not likes but how many have actually read. I do not have a niche; just right what hits the mind. Yes, I do want people to read my thoughts but then can’t force. I am sure someday my thoughts will resonate with some and that belief keeps pushing me.
    Everyone cannot be expected to agree with my thoughts and has a right to indicate the faultlines. As a creator I should have the heart and mind to accept that no creation can ever be the ultimate. It can always be made better.
    You expressed your mind very well Suma..
    Stay blessed 🙏😇

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh! Once again your thoughts from the heart have amazed me dear friend. You said it so well and your thoughts are well penned on your page too. Ofcourse our thoughts sh/not be restriction to limit just for one niche where in the knowledge is vast and can write multiple niche of blogs. Very much appreciated Krish. Tons of thanks for reading thru🥰🙏


      1. You are welcome Suma…it is the content which compels the reader to stay and read…as long as the feelings you express through your writings are your own you will always be read…

        Liked by 2 people

      2. This means so precious for me my friend yes I can’t move the content without my concent from the heart. Thanks a lot for your kind thoughts 🙏 😊


  6. I could totally relate to what you are saying…we write to pour our hearts out, and it’s not actually the point of likes or dislikes but where our heart takes us. A true writes is non judgemental as he knows when heart knows the pen flows. People penning their emotions do take us into new realms of life which takes us away into the realm of imagination and that’s the beauty of it. It’s an art to be able to recognise it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s the precious and priceless comment dear one. Your thoughts flown with mine it’s so much means to me. Thanks a lot for reading thru and putting your heart into beautiful views. 😇💖👍


      1. At, the free domain expire in July and the way I feel at this moment I am not interested in paying for one!

        Liked by 2 people

  7. 💜 When I “Look in The Mirror” I SEE (Soulful Emotional Energy) “Likes” and “DisLikes” yet I ALWAYS!!! End Up with Really “Liking” MySelf in The Absence of AnyOne Else; does that make Me a Narcissist to MySelf as NoOne Else is Involved 🤔 ?


    Liked by 2 people

    1. 😅😅 never ever my friend. Of course we stand in front of the mirror only to reflect ourselves awesome liking. I did mentioned in case if you would wanted to practice changing as an actor or presenter then you will have to see both. LOLz thanks for the lovely thought. Stay right there n keep reflecting your aweseness. No one is around but yourself. Keep liking 😇🥰🙏

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 💜 Will Do; thank YOU!!! for YOUR!!! Emotional Support, here is an Exclusive First Draft PreView of My Next Offering to The Human Race and YOUR!!! True, Authentic, Honest FeedBack is most Welcome To Me:


        💜 This is Controversial so YOU!!! Have Been Warned; an Addict Craves; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that Substance Addicts like Drugs and Alcohol ARE Obvious (it’s NEVER!!! The Substance it’s ALWAYS!!! The Mood)…while These ARE People who Cover Up Well; aka (also known as) HYPOCRITES!!! Telling Others What To Do while Doing The Very Same Thing ThemSelves:

        1. Sex Addicts; who Exchange InCompatible Sexual Energy
        2. Work Addicts; who Sacrifice Personal Relationships for Work
        3. Communication Addicts; who NEVER!!! Return Calls or Reply To Any Form of Messaging

        …so I Suggest Cull Contact Lists of AnyOne Who NEVER!!! Responds EveryOne; also, DisEngage from Any Communication that ALWAYS!!! Seems to Degenerate InTo Conflict, FIGHTS!!! and Arguments…in Other Words Truly, Genuinely, Authentically and Honestly Move On; it’s Reason, Season, LifeTime


        Liked by 1 person

  8. That’s the beauty of WordPress that it has only a “like” button on display. Back on the initial days of Facebook when it only has a like button. Remember the time when we all craved for the freedom of using other emojis on our FB posts.

    Suma, you are exceptionally talented in your writing and I am impressed how cleverly you write this post. The title “content and controversy” summarized your entire post👌🤩😍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s wow my friend, yah emojis have become part of our daily life n can’t leave them behind. I am soo honored to have your beautiful & lovely views on my thoughts Rabia. Loads of loves. 🥰🧡❤🙌💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Suma madam,
        I do agree with your following lines:
        “May be there are very rare situations that few individuals are against each other and have differences I noticed. Otherwise it’s truly appreciated to see the great and healthy networking on”
        You have chosen a very nice topic; like and dislike. Generally , people are behind this likes or dislikes.
        I have to read more of your writings. will follow you.
        Regards. Namaskar.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I am so greatful for your views against my writings Sir ji. We should be the ones liking or disliking what we do from our hearts but most of the times in our lives people are relying on other’s likes n dislikes/desires. That’s unfortunate. Btw, thanks a lot for putting your thoughts again 🥰🙏

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I was about half way through your piece, when it hit me… I didn’t know what I was reading. I decided to begin again, as against moving on… I’m glad I did!!

    I began to feel you were in two frames of mind while writing the piece, and you manage to hold the demon in check… and let the angel shine…

    It must not have been easy… but you did it well, so very well.

    Of course, if I am completely wrong, then please let me know… and I’ll read it a third time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh! My friend. Appreciated your patience to read it going back n I wouldn’t trouble you to read it for 3rd time again. You are absolutely right n tons of thanks for following my blog. Glad to meet you. 😇🙏


  10. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!… it would be a boring and dismal world if everyone thought like I did so rather that like or dislike, I keep and open mind and let my fingers do the walking and my heart do the talking… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May your day be touched
    by a bit of Irish luck,
    Brightened by a song
    in your heart,
    And warmed by the smiles
    of people you love.
    (Irish Saying)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow that’s just wow, I love the way you make fingers to walk n heart to talk. Thanks for proving it on my blog. Tons of thanks for this wonderful comment n thoughts. Have a happy time n take care 😇💖🙏


      1. I do not “make” anything, the heart leads, I just follow… 🙂 🙂

        Until we meet again..
        There are good ships and there a wood ships
        The ships that sail the sea,
        But the best ships are friendships
        And may they always be!
        (Irish Saying)

        Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s been a while since we talked Suma, do you rememba? 👍😂 (it been weeks lol).
    “Content Vs Controversy” is a very creative yet cautionary concept ✍️💯. We both seem to have alot in common in this area 😊😉


  12. I always say don’t hate the playa, hate the game=Suma is an Indian Queen and dealing with royalty and red carpet customs, and if you don’t schedule an appointment it may take you up to a year yo maybe hear a word from Suma!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. It’s been a while since we talked Suma, do you rememba? 👍😂 (it been weeks lol).

    “Content Vs Controversy” is a very creative yet cautionary concept ✍️💯. We both seem to have alot in common in this area 😊😉

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Really surprised to see my name here suma akka. E post starting lo chusinappude so much excited.
    Thanks akka. All the very best, and have nice blogging journey!


  15. Your the first one, introducing me with your blog readers. I’m very happy about it.
    Thanks a lot summa akka.
    Stay healthy and be happy!


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