Dear Flower
You are rare
And a fire
In your attire

Your sweet nectare
Is the sector
And an attractor
At the center
Of your structure

From the soil
You are soulful
So so beautiful
With clement smell
Softness as symbol

You are fragile
To be broken
Yet so strong
Come along
By blooming
Love belonging

From the ground
In your mind
Sway in the wind
With musical sound
Being so profound

You have been found
By an unknown Friend
At the slope end
With hurted wound
If you don't mind
Will you be kind?

Look at her face
Listen to her voice
Teach some patience
She's worn but wise
She's in a silence
Her soul strums
To the rythem of
Your soft petals

Let her touch you
Let her feel you
Let her choose you
Let her cherish you
Let her show you
Let her turn you
Into her heal
You are her love

"She is the Butterfly"

Copyright ©️ 2021 Suma Reddy all rights reserved

My Garden of thoughts and feelings, sow a seed of good deed if you visit. Thank you, Suma ✍❣

81 thoughts on “DEAR FLOWER

  1. A beautiful poem… yet so much more than a poem… more an acclamation of enduring love… even in its visible representation of a butterfly determine to reach the very ‘heart’ of the flower… if one must… then one should… the periphery is never enough… 🇯🇲🏖️

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Read it over again and again to get the true essence … per me the butterfly represents every human in search of the flower ( the purpose of life) ….the one who finds the right flower is the one who lives…the vibrant colourful flower representing the very meaning of what life is to be ….carrying the stories of struggles ..taking whatever it can from the surrounding and yet conveying happiness and solace to every onlooker .
    Stay blessed Suma🙏🌹❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you very much for your kind support and valuable time in reading me as always Krish. You presented your beautiful thoughts n views so amazingly. It’s soo profound to read the facts of life n the way your words represented is just awesome. Thanks again 🙏


    1. Your beautiful shared thoughts always makes me to feel special my dear lovely Michelle. Yes the woman is delicate but strong enough as you know better n wrote so much about in your “Being Woman” creative book of hookup! Thank you very much 🙏🧡

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You should feel special! 😊 Thank you for mentioning my poetry collections – a journey and exploration of women (our strengths, our trials, our gifts, and the many phases of our womanly path). 💖 You are most welcome. 💐

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow Ashok, my soul is flying over in the air to reach you n say that you are the kind n lovely ❤ from my flowerful fragrant heart. Thank you so much for reading. Your thoughts are always precious 😇🧡🙏

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Wowww..! Dear Suma..! Are you an angel..! I love love love love it my dear..! Such a fantastic piece..! Very Amazingly written..! Very beautiful expressed..! Wowww..! I’m speechless..! Keep shinning my dear friend..!☺️🤗

    Liked by 3 people

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