Pandemic-2 (Social Media)

I had written this post months ago and was in draft without publishing. Time has come now because I have nothing much in my mind to write something new. Hope you all go through it as Social media is always the hot topic now a days.

(Few fb) Men when a Woman is online at 12 am

I swear, we are facing two pandemics Corona and Stupidity. Kindly do not take me wrong as this may not be applicable or being addressed to all the gentle men out here on WP. This is in reference to especially my worst experience with ‘FB’.

Of course there are always good and bad things along with advantages and disadvantages, it totally depends on people how and which way they wanted to utilize the available smart technology. So I shouldn’t blame FB directly for my own mistake being accepted most of the requests without checking profiles or unknown requests.

Though it was without noticing just for the sake of followers which we wanted for one of the homechef’s web site which I was part of but had to disengage from my friends due to some personal reasons and did not wanted to stress out with multi tasks. Because this might damage everything all together when focus deviates from any of the other priorities of important things.

The consequences that were faced by me for the stupidity of mixing my personal profile with business purpose was really horrible.

Here’s the message: Best thing to do is not to mix professional and personal stuff together.

I have uninstalled the messenger to avoid the flow of messages and calls. And the worst experience of unwarranted contents and videos that were on messenger pushed me almost into hell of irritation to report every time to privacy dept. However such type of contents and groups were removed. I started filtering blocking and unfriending many of the unknown contacts but out of 5k max reach, it was not so easy.

Though I am not much active on these sites still guilty and unhappy to see my pure personal profile which was only contained of my limited friends and colleagues now being dumped with unwarranted. It’s really sad and very much bad experience for me. Just relaxing with no messenger and as usual not to be much active there which is waste of time since there is nothing much important to do with that app for now. I always mute myself from the things that annoys me and my peace.

Now that I am on WP and feel good, all are very genuine and professional in all terms. I feel very safe and secured, so much to learn from each blogger out here. Great experience that I got on WP. I am really happy and thankful to WordPress for providing such an amazing opportunity of networking and connecting with classy and knowledgeable professional writers from all over the world.

Here’s the short summary of the blog!

Many people will come and go in life but the best ones always stay with us, like wise when our thoughts and intentions are good the non deliberate actions can be corrected.

Stay safe, stay positive !

My Garden of thoughts and feelings, sow a seed of good deed in my thoughts. Thank you, Suma ✍❣

Copyright ©️ Suma Reddy

80 thoughts on “Pandemic-2 (Social Media)

    1. Glad to see your precise review Rebecca, you are very correct n one sh/be truly cautious while accepting any requests. FB especially I feel very mischievous with no proper maintenance of customer’s privacy. It’s just like dump yard allowing people to create multiple profiles. Thank you very much 🙂💖

      Liked by 2 people

  1. 💜 Good to Hear; for Me “FB” is a Distant Memory and “WP” allows Me to “Mix Personal and Professional” in an Optimal Fashion, in Summary:

    1. I AM NOT!!! Censored by Community Standards; that said I Actively Listen when I Receive Constructive Feedback from “WP”

    2. “WP” Encourages Freedom of Speech; yet I Have NOT!!! Experienced “Trolling” of Any Kind Here on “WP”, must be SomeThing To Do with Folk Attracted to The Self Publishing Benefits of “WP” as opposed to The Potential “Trolling” and “NoneSense” on “FB” which has Clearly Lost Its Way

    3. It’s ALWAYS!!! Cool to ReBlog with Credit to The Blogger and Have Thanks from Them for The Sharing to a Wider Audience instead of Complaints about Copyright; it’s NOT!!! The Numbers, The Smaller My Inner Circle Gets The Better I Feel and AM More Convinced that Shrinkage is BETTER!!! than GROWTH!!! Quality Over Quantity


    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s always good to have difference of opinions. Especially I myself warm welcome other’s opinions. This would always create an opportunities to filter the good options for better results. You are very right on each of your views. I see no standards n appropriate privacy on FB.

      Lot many changes happening to WP sites n expecting much more. Thank you very much for sharing your valuable thoughts. Glad to see you around. 😇💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 💜 I Agree, YOU!!! ARE Most Welcome and I Thank YOU!!! for YOUR!!! Kind Words; it’s a Pleasure to Share and Serve, Stay Strong and Serene


        Liked by 2 people

  2. Your experience is why I don’t use Facebook a lot. There is always someone trying to hack an account or troll for information. I’ve found WordPress isn’t like that.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Exactly, I do doubt many a times whether my account is hacked but missed to mention in the post. I did noticed my friends coming up saying I appear online on my question of doubt on flashing notifications 🤨 you are right that’s what I mentioned my opinion about WP. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts dear friend. 😇💖🙏

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Of course it won’t. The purpose of WP is purely of gift of writings and sharing the knowledge. Other sites/apps are truly influencing people with weird thoughts almost.

        Thank you once again. 😇💖

        Liked by 2 people

  3. You are so right, I deleted my fb account long time ago. The thing makes me happy is wordpress that having such nice comments and conversations with people. I think it is really nice to see you have a good time here 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Always keep parallel applications which never cross from work to personal line. FB is a distress and it will trouble one another always also can be hacked easily. I also slim down my twitter counts from huge. Its just useless and spam most of the time so i avoid mostly tweeting also. If you want a relaxing environment stay with your known and close connections mostly and no damage happens for sure. Keep a gadget seperate for work related and do not mix both. Keep checking PW and firewall safety so days will be smooth. Cyber fraud activities increased globally this seasons some times its more dangerous than COVID.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yah, really each of your views are so right. I feel that it’s been hacked too not sure. However I am not much active on any of those famous platforms. Just junk n dump those are becoming day by day. ha ha! True that’s what I have choosen name to be Pandamic 2.

      Thanks a lot for such valuable time n wonderful suggestions. SMILE 😇💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wish you luck. Little care is always essential. If too much of troubles just delete the profiles and re open again and add back your loved ones and friends. Cyber attacks at its worst status now. my time on WP is always free to read and comment. I faced such issues long ago so i always tell friends just be careful and same extended to you. Have a nice day and big smile.

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  5. FB now is almost a junkyard, you will find many people there with ill intentions, so always have eye on who you are adding because these middle age uncles got no chill 😅😅 but as a content creator we have to increase our following, so best thing to do is make a separate account for professional work with your least information up there(name and profile pic that’s it) and keep your personal profile private only for your friends and family, nobody else, hope this helps❤❤

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey Vani ❤ great insights 100% proof read. Uncles yah very true 😅😅 btw fortunately from starting I have only 1 or 2 pics there n not much social I am. Profile too is always kept private n locked now. Thanks loads for your time n valuable advices dear. 😇❤✌

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    2. 💜 I AM a “chilled…middle aged uncle” who has Returned to The Purity of Our ChildLike State; only My Nieces and Nephews Like Me NOW!!! while The Parental ‘Grown Ups’ Hate Me at The Mo’…particularly because I Advise Organic rather than FORCED!!! Growth; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that it’s Quality Over Quantity


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      1. 💜 …and Stay Open EveryOne; in Our Shared 3DReality there is Really No Compartmentalisation…it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that “Public” and “Private” ARE Parental Admonitions, Control, , because We ALL KNOW!!! what EveryOne Else is Up To; having said that Alone But NOT!!! Lonely Linear Time is Good and So Much Better when Shared with a Good Partner who is Energetically as well as Intellectually and Physically Compatible and, of course, Good Friends


        Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh dear, I think many are facing these kind of troubles in their social media life. And I appreciate you for doing the right thing, our peace of mind is so important than everything. You are wise to choose the right path. ❤️❤️ It’s no denial that WP is an amazing platform to connect with neat and friendly writers all over the world. Thanks to the team. And am very much glad that we are connected. ❤️❤️❤️. Much love

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Great picture and great line “we are facing two pandemics Corona and Stupidity.” So funny and yes, stupidity is so prevalent. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be in such a situation right now.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Same reason, I’m not much active on other social media. WordPress has amazing people who passionately hear what writer has to say. Amazing community! 😃

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I like to manage social media like Fb, whatsapp, LinkedIn..etc.
    And also I love to use WordPress.
    I think every application has different purpose.
    I try to watch good at every situation. So enjoyed social media and WordPress as well.
    I don’t like to talk about corona at this time. Hahhaah.
    Thanks for sharing nice content akka.
    Keep rocking!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well, I’m glad you did post. I had a similar issue lately with Instagram, felt I needed it for growth of awareness but realized I never was much to use it and didn’t like the constant feeling of competition. So, I’m much happier focusing on the more communitarian apps like WP!

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  11. True…It is better to maintain a clear distinction between personal and professional lives…..the social media has its plusses n minusses….there are far too many people on most sites who have sole business of snooping into personal lives..
    Stay blessed 🙏😇

    Liked by 1 person

  12. “Now that I am on WP and feel good, all are very genuine and professional in all terms. I feel very safe and secured, so much to learn from each blogger out here. Great experience that I got on WP. I am really happy and thankful to WordPress for providing such an amazing opportunity of networking and connecting with classy and knowledgeable professional writers from all over the world.”
    Same is applicable for me. Before coming to WP, I spent some time with Facebook. I have limited friends. I don’t accept acquaintances, till I am satisfied with his/her quality and choice of posts.
    I have gone through your narration. It is as if you have written my ‘ maan ki baat”.
    Anyway, your such narrations will be beneficial for the people suffered in social media with wrong persons.
    Keep writing Suma madam.
    Stay blessed always. Regards.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanx Chomi(friend in xhosa thor im from zim n shld say….ndinotenda(thank U))….Yes…thats so true…God is Good that in this…so many ways the son of perdition tries to get U by…even taking n stealin from Christ…Satan has nothing..he’ll steal from U by making U believe that all is his since he has got the most experience with many many than man him/herself…….Seee…eeee…thats wht we’re in Christ, our sufgicient is from Christ n we keep on tappin on on this power……GLORY….


  14. There are tons of fake ids in fb . In fb people use ask their hidden desires which they cant ask to their known peoples . So they randomly give requests when it gets accepted they asks what they need without even thinking what the person on other end will think because they bother because you are an unknown person to them

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