My morning walk through the forest

This post will sure give you an awesome feel with the melodious music added to the video and a lovely poem about the nature’s view. I am writing this on a blog challenge, “What moves you” being conducted by one of our great co-blogger dear Michele Lee from My inspired life. This is well optimized for the challenge of well being, fitness and good health. Especially the fun and craziness of life and inspiration.

Pictures were clicked by me during my morning walk through the forest where birds sing while I rejoice in a wooden swing among the dreamy wooden houses around, watching at the sky and feeling the bloom of lotuses in a pond. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and views.

This lovely melodious video was created by me with the pictures clicked from my morning walk through the lushy green forest.

A lovely wooden house
In the hush of morning, a gentle walk I take,
Amidst nature's embrace, my spirit awake.
A wooden house stands with rustic charm,
Nestled in the embrace of nature's arm.

Puddles shimmer, reflecting the sky,
Raindrops dancing, as if to sigh.
At the pond's edge, serenity prevails,
Where ripples form and secrets unveil.

Lotus flowers bloom, vibrant and bright,
Petals unfolding, a breathtaking sight.
Their delicate grace, a symbol of peace,
A testament to nature's sweet release.

A harmony weaves through the morning air,
Awakening my senses, banishing all care.
In this moment of serenity and grace,
I find my center, my innermost space.

So, I'll wander and cherish this haven,
Where peace and tranquility are freely given.
With each step, I will immerse in nature's art,
And let the melody of life mend my heart

Copyright ©️ Suma Reddy

My Garden of thoughts and feelings, sow a seed of good deed if you visit ❣✍

37 thoughts on “My morning walk through the forest

  1. I have always imagined this kind of house in a deep forest (with protection). I have a wish to stay in a tranquil forest, a charming wooden house stood, emanating warmth and tranquillity. Wished if it was a haven of serenity, a place where harmony and blessings intertwined, inviting all who entered to embrace the simple joys of life.
    Hope one day I will get it to stay for few days.
    Your imaginations are very unique. By the way, most of your imaginations are similar to mine.
    It was an awesome post. Focused my mind on the picture and started my imagination to make it true.
    “In a woodland haven, a house of wood,
    Where serenity reigns, as blessings should.
    Harmonious refuge, whispers of peace,
    A cherished sanctuary, worries released.”
    Best wishes.
    Stay blessed always.😊❤️🤝🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sir, its a delightful pleasure to receive your precious comments with such an amazing thoughts. I wish that your wish to get fulfilled some day. Truely life is beautiful to live and imagine like that

      Glad to know that my thoughts n imagination matches with your’s n its vice versa. I really love the simple joy that nature give us. In this post n my imagination what is missing is tge streaming river along those green woods.

      Tons of thanks for taking your time to read and write your awesome thoughts n view. Lots of love love n respect 🙏 😇❤❤💛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments.
        Indeed river is missing.
        There are lots of forests in Himalayan range with beautiful nature having mountain, fountain, lakes and water falls.
        We must visit those places to cherish our life.
        I have visited Sikkim, Uttarakhand and Dooars.
        This month end I am going to Lahol Spiti in Himachal Pradesh.
        Keep on writing and sharing with us
        Stay blessed always.
        Have a great weekend Suma.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Suma, this is a delightful and rich contribution in photos and words! The video is a lovely addition. 🌻 What a wonderful and beautiful honor to receive this. 💖 Thank you for joining us! Your name will be entered in the Sunday drawing. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am much delighted to participate dearest Doll. My pleasure n happiness that I was able to contribute. Means a lot and thank you very much for such an awesome note. Loves n hugs 🤗❤💛

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Dearest Princess Suma, this is just delightful and so reflective of your warmth, heart and love of nature. You captured it so well in pictures and video with is fabulous. I love your poem that flows with beauty and grace just like you do! 💞

    Liked by 1 person

  4. this poetry is like an apt description of how a wonderful walk through morning forest would look like , especially for this generation . Thanks for sharing , you’ve done a fantastic job . The words the style of writing …. nice
    keep posting
    lets connect suma 🤝🏻❤✨😊👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a million, means more than the world. Loves for yiur precious time. I see your multiple notes will respond back sometime later. Taking some break ❤🧡💛🙏🙏🙏🙏


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